Finding reviewers and Reviewer recognition

75% of academic journal editors say that finding reviewers and getting them to accept review invitations is the hardest part of their job.

Why use Publons/Clarivate software

Publons/Clarivate wants to change that to help accelerate research.

Web of Science Reviewer Locator helps you:

  • Quickly find relevant, available, and motivated reviewers
  • Reduce administrative workload by recruiting reviewers
  • Expand your pool of reviewers
  • Prevent reviewer fraud with more information to assess reviewer candidates
  • Speed up overall peer review times and get publications out faster, improving the experience for submitting authors

Web of Science Reviewer Locator helps you find and contact peer reviewers and Web of Science Reviewer Recognition provide official recognition to the peer reviewer.

The Library bought 6 accounts as a concept. After 1 year we will evaluate and if it is useful we will postpone the contract.

Setup your dashboard

  1. Request access at If you got access, sign in to Publons
  2. Once you have received the link, click on Register to create an account
  3. Go to Web of Science review locator:

Find reviewers

This feature- Reviewer Locator (helps to find reviewers)- is only accessible to journals that are taking part in the Publons pilot.

To find more information on how to use the Reviewer locator you can check the FAQ of Publons.

How to give recognition to reviewers?

If you have an account via the Library you are able to give recognition to your reviewers.

When the reviewer accept to review, in tab 4 is the possibility to export the review to Publons:

The reviewer gets an email of Clarivate to register. When logged in the reviewer will be able to view the review. For example:

Building up your profile
When you’ve registered you can start building up your Publons profile to demonstrate your scholarly impact. Import your publications and add records of your peer reviews then we’ll populate your profile with citation metrics and comparative review metrics for your fields of research.

Import your publications
You can import your publications directly from Web of Science. Confirm which publications are yours and we’ll add them to your profile, along with your Web of Science Core Collection citation counts and h-index. Adding at least one Web of Science Core Collection indexed publications is all you need to do to claim your Web of Science ResearcherID (ResearcherIDs can take up to five days to be assigned).

Don’t worry if you can’t find all of your publications in Web of Science. You can also populate your publication records by:

  • Importing them from ORCiD
  • Uploading a RIS, BibTex, or CSV file
  • Searching across the web by DOI or title

Trouble shooting
If the reviewer doesn’t see its review in ORCiD then the permission is not granted. In the left menu go to Permissions and set the right permissions. Check this:

Publishing Systems Administrator at  | Website |  + posts

Monique is the Application Manager of Open Journal Systems (OJS), Open Monograph Press (OMP) and some of the WordPress websites of the Library.

Monique IJzinga

Monique is the Application Manager of Open Journal Systems (OJS), Open Monograph Press (OMP) and some of the WordPress websites of the Library.

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